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Post: Welcome

Cypress Trees

Tidy trim for these Cypress Pines lining the driveway šŸŒ²šŸŒ²


Being Christmas time, I thought Id post about pine trees!

In our family, we buy a potted, native pine tree (calytrix) and then plant it into our garden after Christmas. Granted they're not the biggest Christmas tree, but these trees do get big in our yard.

Unfortunately it's the norm to have pest species of Pines (pinus radiata) growing in Australia for Christmas trees.

There are many native Pines that grow naturally in Australia that make stunning Christmas trees.

Could you imagine how wonderful it would be if everyone who was able to, bought a real, potted, native pine each year and then planted it to grow! What a great idea.

On that note, if you have a live Christmas tree and you're not sure of how to dispose of it, we can collect it from you when we're in your area for a small fee.

If you have an introduced species of pine and you'd like it removed, we'd be happy to come and give you a free quote if you live in the Adelaide Hills or surrounding suburbs.

Dan can even advise you on what kind of native pine you can replace your current pine with.

Native tree species are fundamental to our country's environment. They feed many bird species including endangered black cockatoos. They live harmoniously with other native trees and plants, plus they're absolutely beautiful!

We're all about beautiful canopies here at Canopy Man Tree Care šŸŒ³ šŸŒ²

Services we provide include:

Tree Removal

Tree Maintenance

Tree Limb Reduction

Dead Wooding



Palm Tree Work/Frond Removal

Stump Grinding or Poisoning

Firewood Cutting

Fungal Treatments

General Gardening

Tree Replacement Advice

General Tree Advice


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Merry Christmas 2024

We hope everyone had a great Christmas Day with their families yesterday! šŸŽ… I was hanging by the tree, of course šŸŒ²

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